Monday, 22 July 2013

Carrying Walking Sticks and Baby Car Seat at The Same Time: The Problem and a Solution

Our son (SJ) is three weeks old today.

In that time, I would say that, on balance, I've been both relieved and excited to find that I have indeed been able to successfully perform many of the baby related that I hoped I would.

As I think  I mentioned one of the tasks that I have been able to do is to carry the baby in the car-seat both up and down the stairs of our apartment building.

Success!...or so it sounds....

Problem is that in all previous trips up and down the stairs I've used one hand to carry the car-seat (with SJ in) and the other to hold the banister. That leaves precisely no hands for holding my walking sticks- Mrs T has had to carry these for me as I ascend or descend.

So how can the stairs be tackled when its just me and SJ? Can I carry the car sear, my walking sticks and hold the banister in some way?

In step our wonderful occupational therapist from United Cerebral Palsy of  Boston (we'll call her A) with the following solution: A carrying sling. This sling allows me to carry my walking sticks over my shoulder and across my back in much the same way as an archer might carry arrows. Genius! Here's is how the system works:

1. A 'twisty-tie' (the kind of thing you use to keep a started loaf of bread, closed and fresh) is tied around the diameter of the walking stick about 1 inch below the handle.
2. A second 'twistie tie' is twisted around the stick about 4.5 inches from its bottom.
3. Both twisty ties ties are held in place using duct tape.
4. The carrying strap from our camera is then attached. The clasp at each end of the strap is  placed around the 'twisty-tie' to keep it in position.
5. Immediately next to both ends of the strap are attached two pieces of Velcro - one at either end. Each of these pieces of Velcro is about 8 inches long and a thumb width wide.
6. The Velcro is also held in place by the same pieces of duct tape that are used to secure the twisty-ties.
7. The Velcro at each end of the walking stick is then wrapped around the second walking stick and stuck in place so that both sticks are held in place and are carried together.
8. The sling is placed over the head so that the sticks are carried across my back.

Sound complicated? Check out these pictures and videos... The observant amongst you will notice that many of these pictures are of the earlier version where the sticks were held together by rubber band rather than Velcro, both systems work well, the Velcro is simply more secure and durable. Even if my instructions above are not so clear to follow I hope the photos will at least give you the idea.

Carrying car seat up and down stairs, two walking sticks and holding the banister - done!

Video 2:

Some pictures:


  1. Mazal tov on your new baby! Disability or no disability, it seems to me safer to carry the baby in a cloth sling, like you do the walking sticks. It's quite awkward to carry a heavy car seat down stairs. Also, is there any possibility of storing the car seat on the ground floor?

  2. Thank you ben,
    wow what a tips .. Its really awesome . I will use it while carrying my baby car seat with Walking Sticks .

    Thank you ,
